Ridge Racer Wiki

These guidelines are to create a standard for how the pages on this wiki should be written. Reading this is recommended to make things legible for the readers. If you have any questions, please contact an administrator for more information.



  • The main language this wiki uses is English, and as such, should use American English
  • The use of singular "they" should refer to the player, regardless of the gender, unless it's referring to a player character that canonically has a gender.
  • Please use concise language with proper grammar.
    • Example: this isnt concise language with proper grammer


  • Validity: Don't mislead readers with false information. Please verify before making a claim without any ground to stand on.
  • Time of Release: Even though a machine can look like a certain vehicle from the future, do keep in mind the release date of the game. As similar and coincidental as they can be, please refrain from making connections to a future vehicle.
    • Example: The Kamata RC410 from Ridge Racer 7 (2006) looks like the Nissan GT-R Nismo (2017).
  • Neutral Point of View: Maintain neutrality when adding information.
  • Formality: Avoid informal and casual language when possible, and try not to go off-topic.
    • Example: The Kamata RC410 sucks in online play. Anyway, did anyone see that ball game the other night?
  • Encyclopedic Language: Language must be clear and understandable. Avoid being talkative and overloading the reader by using short concise sentences.
  • Interwiki linking: When linking to a wiki within the Fandom network, do be sure to use the following format:
    • [[w:c:wikiname:Wiki Wiki|Title of Page]].
    • Using this wiki as an example: [[w:c:ridgeracer:Ridge Racer Wiki|Ridge Racer Wiki]]
      • This format also works for Wikipedia pages: [[wikipedia:Ridge Racer (1993 video game)|Ridge Racer]]
  • Reality check: Just because there is a picture that looks like a machine existed in real life, doesn't mean it's always the case. The only life sized machine that truly exists in real life is the Soldat Raggio in form of the Yamasa Raggio. If you hear about a rumor of a machine existing in real life, please verify if it's true and officially endorsed by Bandai Namco Entertainment before adding such information.