Not to be confused with Seaside Route 765.
Harborline 765 is a course first introduced in Ridge Racer 6. It returns in Ridge Racer 7, Ridge Racer Vita, and Ridge Racer Slipstream. This course is Ridge State's spiritual successor to Seaside Route 765.
Course information[]
It features good amounts of undulation due to its hilly nature, as well as tight corners and high-speed areas. Just like Midtown Parkway, Ridge City Highway and Seaside Route 765, the home straight features a jumbotron.
- The jumbotron plays intro videos of older Ridge Racer titles. In Ridge Racer 6, it shows Ridge Racers' intro. In Ridge Racer 7, it shows Ridge Racers 2's intro, whereas in Ridge Racer Slipstream, it plays Ridge Racer 3D's intro. This is the same for Seaside Route 765, Midtown Parkway, Rave City Riverfront and Downtown Rave City.
- In the PlayStation Vita game, the track is missing a piece of geometry present in other versions of the track, most notably on the second right turn of the track. The follow up game, Ridge Racer Slipstream, brought it back so it's most likely an error. There is also a piece of geometry present only in the Vita version which is not present in its predecessors or even Slipstream. This is in the form of a rock formation that is present above the track after the first right hand corner.
- This can also be attributed back to Ridge Racer 3D's version of Midtown Parkway, one of the tracks sharing some layout with Harborline 765. 3D is released the same year as Vita, so the proof of the geometry removal being an afterthought stacks up.
- The plaza by the harbor may actually be entered by cars, though doing this is very difficult and requires the player to approach the plaza's entrance at very low speeds.