Ridge Racer Wiki
"Assoluto is a sports car manufacturer. The company emobides the spirit of it's founder, Assoluto, who was once a racer himself."
R4: Ridge Racer Type 4

Assoluto Motor Corporation (Japanese: アッソルート) is an Italian car manufacturer whose cars are known for their higher top speed in earlier games, and is often considered as the Lamborghini of the series, based on their car designs, although based on Ridge Racer lore, their story and role in the games are very much similar to Ferrari.

The brand was established by Italian racing driver Mr. Assoluto in 1947, with the sole purpose of building technologically-advanced race cars, but also turned to the production of high-performance street-legal sports cars to fund the company's racing programs.

At one point, the company was nearly in financial trouble out of soaring expenses over the development of its cars, and there were rumors of Mr. Assoluto selling out his company to Lizard, but such a deal never materialized, with Assoluto himself citing: "Even if I sell my company, I cannot sell my soul of betting on racing."

In 1999, the brand became a pioneer and specialist in anti-gravity technology and research, as seen on their Vulcano and Pronzione machines from R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, Ridge Racer 6 and Ridge Racer 7, where they are powered by anti-gravity engines and placed under anti-gravity generators.

As of 2006, the company also produces a line of mineral water known as 'Assolutia'. Marketed towards members of the UFRA, It is described to come in a bright red bottle and contain 'plenty of minerals', with the purpose of hydration after a race. The water is exclusively sold in the village near Lakeshore Drive.

Assoluto first appears in Rage Racer and have been a mainstay in the series since, with the exception of one absence in Ridge Racer V.

Cars Manufactered by Assoluto
Model name Translation Rage R4 RR64 RRPSP RR2PSP RR6 RR7 Vita
Promessa Promise
Bisonte Bison
Regalo Gift
Fatalita Fatality
Rondine Swallow
Cavaliere Trooper
Infinito Infinity
Istante Instant
Aquila Eagle
Estasi Ecstasy
Ghepardo Cheetah
Squalo Shark


Vulcano Volcano
Pronzione (faux-Italian)


  • Assoluto means "absolute" in Italian (singular masculine).
  • In Ridge Racer 7, it is mentioned that Assoluto had a secret meeting with UFRA officials in a restaurant near their corporate headquarters, and that the restaurant mentioned in the news ticker is named after their Pronzione special machine (Ristorante Pronzione). Because of this, Assoluto were likely involved in a race-fixing spree organized by the UFRA themselves so that races will turn in their favor to pull them up in the Ridge State Grand Prix rankings, as well as for the benefit of any competing racer driving an Assoluto vehicle.
    • It is possible that the Ristorante Pronzione is owned by Assoluto themselves and is their corporate restaurant.
    • The aforementioned restaurant is also a reference to Ferrari's Ristorante Cavallino, adjacent to their factory in Maranello, Italy.
  • The fact that Assoluto was founded by an eponymous racer (only ever referred to as "Mr. Assoluto" on the Ridge Racer Type 4 official guidebook) might be a reference to Enzo Ferrari, who was also a race car driver himself. Another fact is that Enki Gilbert, the founder and president of Racing Team Solvalou, often portrayed as a works team for Assoluto, also has an Enzo Ferrari-like complex and personality. Ironically, Rivelta/Soldat, presumed to be rivals of Assoluto, is often considered as Ridge Racer's counterparts to Ferrari, based on their car designs.
  • The fact that most of Assoluto's car designs are a mix of various European and American manufacturers, with the tendency for the designs to look exotic and sometimes futuristic, can also reference the Gruppo Bertone automotive design firm. However, at least two of their cars, the Fatalita and Regalo, are designed by a design firm named "Pinan Fanini" (an obvious play on Pininfarina, who have designed many Ferrari vehicles under a long-term partnership).
  • There are more evidence or hints to Assoluto's story being based on Ferrari. Most of Assoluto's cars in the series, in their traditional manufacturer's racing colors, are red, which is a play on Ferrari's rosso corsa ("racing red") livery, and that in R4: Ridge Racer Type 4, Assoluto was stated to be founded in 1947, which is also the same year that Ferrari was established.
    • In the lore for Rage Racer, the event where Mr. Assoluto refused to sell his company to Lizard is a reference to the failed deal between Ferrari and Ford in the 1960s.
  • Assoluto are the only brand in the series to make use of rotary engines, with the only known car using one being the Fatalita from Rage Racer, R4: Ridge Racer Type 4 and Ridge Racer Vita.
  • Assoluto, along with Kamata, are the only two brands in the series to have hybrid vehicles.
  • The logo of Assoluto is most likely based on the logo of Alfa Romeo. If looked closely, one can see a gear in the middle wrapped around an Italian tricolore flag, with a rapier in between the center, followed by the Old English letters that form the Assoluto text all over the circle. The two sides of the rapier intersect both "O's".
    • According to the rr-ken(.)net website, the logo is said to represent "the fighting spirit of Italy", with the crimson background representing "passion".
    • This could also be a reference to the Ferrari prancing horse, as well as the yellow background in their logo, in a way where the prancing horse was originally used as a coat of arms for an Italian ace pilot's warplanes during World War I, and the yellow background representing Enzo Ferrari's hometown of Modena, Italy. Both Assoluto and Ferrari's logos also use the Italian tricolore as well. Furthermore, the rapier in Assoluto's logo can also be a contrast to the Scuderia Ferrari shield.
  • It may be possible that Pac-Man's vehicles in Ridge Racer 6, Ridge Racer 7 and Ridge Racer 3D, as well as the Galaga '88 in Ridge Racer 64 use Assoluto's patented anti-gravity technology.
  • In a news ticker in Ridge Racer 7, the brand has released a brand of mineral water called "Assolutia".
  • Almost all of Assoluto's cars in the series are mid-engined, rear-wheel drive, except for the second-generation Promessa, which is all-wheel drive, and also their anti-gravity ships, the Vulcano and Pronzione.
  • Assoluto is one of the four Ridge Racer manufacturers advertised in Namco's football game Libero Grande.
Manufacturers in the Ridge Racer series
Active Âge · Assoluto · Danver · Gnade · Himmel · Kamata · Lucky & Wild · Sinseong · Soldat · Terrazi · Zihua
Defunct Lizard · Rivelta